Tuesday, May 21, 2013


From elementary to high school, I was an A-student. Sadly, even though I had been good in academics I was not a genius. Some of my friends were. They could easily make it without as much effort as I did. I resented this. I wanted a brain like theirs so I did not have to work that hard.  

Unconsciously carrying this resentment around, I end up finishing college believing that I am just an ordinary girl, coming from a small town, with nothing much to offer. I become a B-, um, maybe a C- or a D- student. Now, I don't even know how much my self-worth is. I can't even start looking for a job.

Do I really have nothing to offer? Do I really not have what it takes to be a woman with an awesome career or two? 

A friend of mine once said, he excerpted this from a book -I don't remember the author nor the title of  the book, my bad, I'll try asking him whenever I see him-, that a man who has a gift but does not work with his gift is less likely to succeed than a man who does not have a gift but diligently and relentlessly pursue that gift. 

I was wrong when I thought I needed my genius friends' brain to stand out, to be special. I should have believed that I have what it takes to be who I want to be in this world. Yes, I have lost some, maybe a lot of, precious time believing that I am a nobody. But it is not too late to rise up, I am planning a comeback. So folks, wait for it, because it is going to be legen ... dary. LEGENDARY!

My takeaway for today's sentimental hour: diligence, focus, not giving up, and hope. 


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